20% of applicants to Patriot Front, a white supremacist group, were active or former military. One is currently a member of the Department of Homeland Security.
This is according to this article from the Guardian, which includes links to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is widely respected. They got the documents from a leak, and subsequently published them. More than 80 of those currently being investigated for the January 6th coup attempt had ties to the military. Naturally, I have questions: 1. Is it alarming that such an indomitable force as our military has this many extremists in its ranks? 2. Does this extremism ever impact military readiness or ability to execute missions? For example, does a white supremacist in the ranks of the military ever have a harmful impact on the ability of the military to complete their missions? 3. Why is misinformation, or extremism, or both, so prevalent among military members? 4. What should be done about extremism and misinformation within the ranks of the military? |